One doesn't often think of sentences containing both "library" and "humor" (or "humour" for non-Americans), but there's actually a web site dedicated that union. Here's a selection but I suggest scrolling up and down to see more.
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
Recent Posts
- When you think about it, there really was only one...
- A whole new meaning to, "Careful lady, they may be...
- Even in high-tech times, some deals are too good n...
- Who says Pleasanton, California is only for high-t...
- And in local news.
- And finally ... this looks like a job for ..........
- Since no man is an island, it's good to know his b...
- People who need people need blogs such as this one...
- So, the Iraqi minister of dis-information actually...
- This be the first post of the Bogus Boggess Blog. ...