Monday, August 29, 2005

BBB Geek-toid

Games - such a human notion. And where there are human notions, there are geeks! The best all - the - information - you'd - ever - want - to - know - about - boardgames - and - then - some site I've found is, oddly enough, Even the web site's interface is a bit geeky. But behind that rough exterior is more information on more board games than you (well at least than I) could ever imagine.

Hunting about, I found this entry for the Clue - 50th Anniversary Edition. Take a look - there are photos, ratings, strategies, a forum - you name it. One cool feature I like is near the top of the game pages where categories are listed. For Clue, the category is Murder/Mystery which takes you to a list of all other games in that category.

There are over 18,000 games listed, so you can get pretty "lost" here - but it;s worth the Risk!