Thursday, September 29, 2005

So Now You Know

Every year Disney Legends Awards are announced and celebrated. You probably know of one of this year's recipients but did you know the connection with Disney?

Wally Boag had the honor of introducing Steve Martin as the final recipient of this year's Disney Legends Awards. From the age of 10 to 18, Steve Martin worked at the park after school, on weekends and during the summer. He started his Disney career selling guidebooks at the gate, then souvenir spinning lassos in Frontierland. Steve then spent three years at the old Merlin's Magic Shop in Fantasyland. He learned all the tricks and collected all the jokes, writing down every gag.

Steve learned to juggle from the Park's Court Jester, Christopher Fair and Wally Boag, the Golden Horseshoe headliner, was another major influence. "I watched Wally's show many, many time ­ he was the first live performer I ever saw. I mostly remember Wally's performing style," Steve says. "It was fresh, sassy and very clean. Watching his comic timing was a very big influence on my own career."