Monday, October 24, 2005

BBB Geek-toid

As anyone knows who has entered a retail establishment in the last month, the Christmas shopping season has arrived! (When I was a kid, it seemed like there were unspoken rules about Christmas decorations and sale items. Somehow, magically, the displays would appear no earlier than the day after Thanksgiving. I predict by 2020 the Christmas stuff will go up July 5th. But enough about me.)

Since we are in pre-(pre-pre-)Christmas mode, maybe consideration needs to be given to the geeky folks on Santa's list. At first blush, some of these items might seem a bit odd or pricey but who am I to judge the nature of the geek on your list?

"Danger, Will Robinson!" To ensure a very happy Christmas indeed for your geek (and I think this one will work universally), try the seven-foot, operational Robbie the Robot!

"Planet of the Geeks." Now I ask you, what geeky desktop would be complete without a fully animatronic chimpanzee head?

"No Members of the Opposite Gender Allowed" To get away from those pesky "others", some of us retreated to tree houses of one sort or another. Here's an entirely different sort.

"Now Showing ..." When you really need to show off your video electronics, where better than outdoors on a big screen?

"I'll hover right over." Ever since one of the Bush boys fell off of the amazingly simple to operate Segway, many have been seeking alternative futuristic transport - and what could be more futuristically cool than a Levitating Hover Scooter?

OK, these items *are* a bit out there but you have to admit, they're pretty cool and as a public service I wanted to make you aware of the offerings since these tend to require a substantial lead time to arrive for the big day.

(Future BBB Geek-toids (TM) will present geek gifts for the rest of us.)