Friday, November 11, 2005

BBB Site of the Week

I must confess. Every day I am sure to do two things: put on my glasses and check the Woot of the Day. "Woot?" you ask. Well, urban legend has it the term was a contraction of a Dungeons and Dragons players phrase, "Wow, Loot!" Woot has moved into the geeky vernacular as a word expressing excitement.

So what is this "Woot of the Day" you speak of? Well, I could send you to their web site explanation and FAQ or even the entry in Wikipedia. But that, dear reader, would no more get at the Wootrific experience than explaining the origin and manufacture of chocolate to the uninitiated.

woot! is kinda about selling one item at a time until they are all gone - usually one per day. And even though I think the sale items are cool and I have been known to make a purchase or two, for me it's not so much the steak as it is the sizzle.

woot! has two things I really enjoy, the descriptions of the woot (and their blog) and the recent addition of a daily podcast replete with an amusing song or skit. Here's one of those web wadio pod casteroids (or is it a casterbadabra). Now that's marketing! I always find myself chuckling (at least) at the prose or audio. Plus, there are the somewhat wacky contests - a recent one was for a woot haiku.

Anyway, I suggest you join up and have fun - maybe you can be part of the elite group fortunate enough to obtain the dollar "Bag O' Crap" woot!