Thursday, November 17, 2005

BBB Web Toy of the Week

It is safe to say those of us who lived through 1960s America were exposed to a wide variety of "experiences", some more memorable than others. One oft forgotten or overlooked 60s happening was ... slot car racing.

In 1968, there were more slot racing facilities than bowling alleys. Special racing events were televised live nationally on shows hosted by Ed Sullivan, Mike Douglas, Steve Allen, or Johnny Carson. [Click here for more on the history of Slot Racing.]

It was common to find an area of the house dedicated to a two-lane plastic slot car track from the classic oval to over/under raceways and hairpin turns. The basic idea was a to click together a track with, typically, two "slots" or grooves. The race cars had an arm that would extend into the slot and via a control, the "driver" controlled the speed of the racer around curves and down straightaways. It was cool.

Oh, yeah, the web toy ... Through the magic of computer electronics and some reasonable graphics, you now can (re)experience those exciting days of this yesteryear craze. Surf on over to RallyTrophy, pick your car, build your track and race away!