Monday, November 07, 2005

News from all over - Russia

Russian MPs have given a final warning to TV stations to cut back on violent shows like the Simpsons if they want to avoid censorship.

First Deputy Speaker Lyubov Sliska said it was a "yellow card" for the channels. A resolution, initiated by Sliska and fellow United Russia member Farid Gainullin, was approved by a 417-1 landslide. It called on television companies to more strictly adhere to a voluntary code of conduct signed in June by the chief executives of six leading national channels to avoid promoting a "cult of violence and cruelty".

The move came after the Simpsons was given a hard core adults-only rating and blamed for corrupting Russian schoolchildren and degrading family values. MP Yelena Afanasyeva said: "The experts gave just the result we feared. They found the Simpsons were crammed with violent and aggressive episodes. These cartoons also introduce antagonism between children and parents."