Monday, November 20, 2006

News from all over - Wales

A food company has been warned it could face legal action over the name of its Welsh Dragon Sausages.

Jon Carthew said: "I don't think any of our customers actually believe that we use dragon meat in our sausages.

"We use the word because the dragon is synonymous with Wales and I think everyone who buys from us knows that."

But officials said they would not want vegetarians to buy the product by mistake thinking they were meat free.

The warning letter from Powys council's trading standards department, who analysed the sausages, read: "The public analyst has stated that the name Welsh Dragon Sausage is not sufficiently precise to inform a purchaser of the true nature of the food.

A spokesman for Powys Council said: "I don't think anyone would imagine that dragon meat was being used but we would not want vegetarians to buy the sausages believing they were meat free."