Friday, December 08, 2006

News from all over - Des Moines

A house owned by Drake University has sustained some $50,000 damage in a bottle rocket war.

Four young men have been charged with reckless use of fire. "They were playing around with fireworks like a lot of the rest of us have done at one time or another," said Des Moines Police Detective Jack Kamerick. "They are all good kids. But if you're going to have a bottle rocket war it would be a lot better to do it outside."

"It all started as they were getting ready to go to a party," he said. "They came across a box of fireworks that belonged to a friend who hadn't been over to pick them up. Apparently the temptation was too great and there was a little bottle rocket war. And then they left the house."

Later another resident of the house came home with a friend and saw the smoke and the bottle rockets but didn't realize a fire was starting in a couch. They went upstairs. After awhile they realized the smoke was getting worse and by the time they went to investigate the fire was burning out of control.