Thursday, January 25, 2007

BBB Geeky Novelty

You know the scene, you're running late, everything is packed and ready to go, one last stop before the airport .. Spot and Puff's Boarding House for Pets. But where's Puff er, Furrpurr? Not under the bed or in the closet. Didn't someone see her heading downstairs?

The lament rises, "Why isn't there some technological gadget that could help us find her?" Well, there is. In fact, you can use it with Furrpurr, keys, remotes, your car in the mall's parking lot (the device is good up to 600'), even your favorite 25' Power Return Stanley Tape Measure. And this isn't one that will start beeping at the source (which would definitely send Furrpurr into a hissing tizzy). Merely, press the button on the hand held device and you can track stuff down by following the beeps on the screen just like playing a game of hot and cold - and not just left or right, but up or down, too.

Of course, keeping track of the Loc8tor itself ... well ...