Wednesday, February 21, 2007

News from all over - Reading

An executive coach in Pennsylvania has devised a 12 step program designed to tackle email obsessions. Developed for cases such as a golfer who checked his BlackBerry after every shot, and lost a potential client who wanted nothing to do with his obsession.

Marsha Egan’s plan taps into deepening concern that email misuse can cost businesses millions of dollars in lost productivity. "There is a crisis in corporate America, but a lot of CEOs don’t know it,” Egan said. “They haven’t figured out how expensive it is."

The first of Egan’s 12 steps is “admit that email is managing you. Let go of your need to check email every 10 minutes.” Other steps include “commit to keeping your inbox empty”, “establish regular times to review your e-mail” and “deal immediately with any email that can be handled in two minutes or less but create a file for mails that will take longer.”
