Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today in History - 1932

OK, "around" today in history ... in Lake Placid, NY the III Winter Olympics were held and the USA won the 2-man and 4-man bobsled races. (Actually, the USA took the Gold and Bronze in the 2-man "bobsleigh" and the Gold and Silver in the 4-man competition.)

From the "Official Report" (very nice pdf - the 291 page document will take a some time to load), this ...
"There were two events on the Olympic bobsled program, the two-man (boblet) and four-man races, each divided into four heats, two being run on one day. As a result of this schedule four days of racing were offered.

"Weather conditions made it necessary to shift the two-man races, originally scheduled for Feb 8 and 9, to Feb 9 and 10, a raging blizzard making it impossible to use the run on Feb 8. The four-man events, on the program for Feb 11 and 12, were run off on Feb 14 and 15.

"Less than two seconds separated the first two teams in the two-man event, while the first two four-man sleds across the line were only two and two-hundredths seconds apart."