Wednesday, March 21, 2007

News from all over - Amsterdam

An 81-year-old Dutchman who saw a shoplifter flee a supermarket in The Hague chased after the thief on his bike and crashed into the man to stop him, police said.

Officers said the 81-year-old had observed the shoplifter 29, run from the supermarket with two employees in pursuit. "The man did not hesitate a moment, followed the fleeing suspect on his bike, rode into his legs, whereupon both fell," police said in a statement.

The cyclist injured his hand and shin in the fall and had to undergo treatment. The shoplifter was arrested and found to be carrying 122 euros ($NZ220 ) worth of cosmetics, police said.

Cycling is very popular in the Netherlands. The famously flat country has more bikes than people with each resident riding an average of more than 900 km a year.
