Friday, June 22, 2007

BBB Destination - Club 33

If you are among the very few (500) who have a membership, Club 33 offers a delightful vantage point to experience Disneyland. The club, created by Walt Disney himself as a place where he could entertain investors and business associates, didn't open until 1967, after his death. Since then it has been visited by presidents, princes and celebrities.

The restaurant, named for its address on 33 Royal St. in the park, is so secretive that the door remains locked and only members with a reservation are allowed in. Of its 487 members, individuals slightly outnumber corporations. Corporate memberships cost $25,000, plus $5,925 in annual fees. Individuals pay a $9,500 initiation fee, then $3,175 annually, Disneyland Resort spokesman Bob Tucker said. The nine- to fourteen-year waiting list is capped at 1,000.

While you wait or dream of waiting (or perhaps seek out new friends who have a membership), you can check out photos and legends of Club 33 at these sites...
mouseplanet entry
club33 tour by some aol guy
ebay auctions for memorabilia