Thursday, September 06, 2007

News from all over - Estes Park

A large bull elk is now licking his pride after it sparred with a swing and the swing won. The elk was thrusting his antlers on a large wooden swingset when he got his antlers caught in the chain of a swing Wednesday morning. He battled and struggled for two hours, even dragging the 400-pound swingset about 25 feet, said Kris Hazelton with Estes Park News.

The bull became so stressed out, distraught and exhausted trying to free himself that an official with the Colorado Department of Wildlife and a veterinarian were called in to help out. They tranquilized the elk, gently removed the chains from his antlers and several minutes later, he staggered away, swing free. He did give the swing a really dirty look, though, when he wandered back into the wilderness.
