Tuesday, January 29, 2008

News from all over - Erie

[From the video] From John Lennon and the Beatles to iconic paintings such as "American Gothic," Barry Snyder's art gets its core appeal from those little stickers that grace your produce at the supermarket. Snyder said, "There's times when your diet sort of focuses around one particular fruit or vegetable because you're looking for a certain color chip that's in season at the store."

His highly-detailed work all got started on a whim, "It just sort of evolved from putting em on a piece of paper on the refrigerator into doing designs with 'em, to maybe I can do an image with 'em," said Snyder.

A big piece, like one he's doing of John Lennon from the Sgt. Pepper's album cover, will take him six months to finish. And since each work takes thousands and thousands of stickers, he relies on the kindness of strangers. "That's a big part of the fun for me is having people I've never met in my life send me stuff in the mail cause they've heard about me, so that makes me feel a little special."

Snyder hopes he can inspire others. After all, his work proves there's the potential for art in all sorts of things. "You can take anything to you know be creative, you don't have to go and buy a bunch of oil paints."

Source Apologies for the bumpers on the video .. part and parcel, as they say.