Friday, April 18, 2008

News from all over - Tallahassee

The Florida Senate today debated and passed an amendment to impose a $60 fine, charges of a moving violations, and points against a driver license for displaying reproductions of bull genitalia on a vehicle or trailer.

The ban was proposed by Sen. Cary Baker, R-Eustis, who said the items are "not appropriate," even though he sees a lot of them in his district. Other members agreed on their popularity, but questioned how worthwhile a crackdown might be. Sen. Jim King, R-Jacksonville, said he had a set on one of his vehicles, which he described as "all pimped out." They are no more than "an expression of truckliness," he said, although he'd acceded to his wife's request to take them off.

"I find it shocking we'd tell people with metallic testicles on their bumpers that this is a violation," said Sen. Steve Geller, D-Hallandale. "There's got to be better things for us to spend time debating."
