Monday, October 03, 2005

Today in History - 1955

On this day, two truly classic television programs premiered - "The Mickey Mouse Club" and "Captain Kangaroo".

The Captain ran from 1955 to 1984 making it the longest running network children's show of all time. Long time regulars included Mr Green Jeans, Grandfather Clock, Bunny Rabbit, Dancing Bear, Mr. Moose, and Dennis the Handyman - plus cartoon appearances of Tom Terrific and Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog (not to mention Crabby Appleton).

The Mickey Mouse Club not only introduced us to Annette, Sharon, Bobby, Bonnie, Tommy, Darlene, Cubby, Karen, and Doreen but also the big kids, Jim and Roy. And who can forget those exciting Adventures of Spin and Marty at the Triple R Ranch?

Remember the Mickey Mouse Club's days of the week ...
Monday - Fun With Music Day
Tuesday - Guest Star Day
Wednesday - Anything Can Happen Day
Thursday - Circus Day
Friday - Talent Round-Up Day